An explanation and troubleshooting steps for Error 201 - Invalid Sort ID.
General Resolution
In order, if the previous step didn't fix the issue: End the sort and start a new one. Reset the mini-PC (Reset from menu or power button). Run a software update (user icon, top right).
Every new sorting session is assigned a unique ID. If the sort ID is invalid, this usually denotes a software or database problem. To remedy this error:
- Try ending the sort and starting a new one. This will make a fresh attempt to create a new ID.
- Restart the mini-PC on the PhyzBatch. This will reinitialize the local database. You can also select Restart from the profile menu in the top right, as shown below.
- If the error continues after restarting the mini-PC, try running an update from the same menu.
- If the error continues after the above steps, please contact Support for additional troubleshooting.