Will there be a personal-use version of this machine available soon?

At this time there is no “personal version” of our machine. The economics of a personal-sorter are very, very difficult. Firstly, the machine itself would need to be made at a price point that was acceptable to a personal collector, call it $1,000 (even this is not tenable for a lot of people, but do read on). Now, we need to somehow make the machine for that amount of money, without sacrificing safe card handling, recognition accuracy, compliance with safety standards, etc., AND somehow still make a profit? It's an enormous gamble to commit to producing such a large number of machines (as would be necessary to accommodate the personal market, and also to be profitable), and it's then incumbent upon us to support them. To reiterate, it's not impossible, but it requires that we have deep pockets, a large staff, and a large production facility. These all take time to build toward. Keep bugging us though, and we will keep it on our radar :)
For the interim, we need to pursue a market that can sustain and grow our company, and that is the business-to-business market. Our hope is that your local game store can acquire a PhyzBatch-9000 and they can sort your collection for you as a service. Support your LGS!