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How to use Lists

How to use Card Lists to set specific cards as bin criteria

Card lists allow for lists of specific cards to be used as bin criteria.  They can be created on the sort page itself, or you can import your own CSV file.

Advanced Options must be enabled to access Lists

Creating a List

Importing a List

Magic: The Gathering CSV Format

Pokemon CSV Format

Using Lists

Creating a List

  • On the Sort page, click on Advanced Options (Turn on in My Profile > Advanced Bin Options Visibility if not visible)
  • Click on Card List


Card List and Bin Conditions are mutually exclusive.  You may only use one or the other per bin.  You may use Duplicates and Lot Count with both.

  • Click on either Create your first list here or Manage all lists here


  • Click Create List, select your game, and click Next.


  • Add cards by searching for them by name.  All possible variants of that card (foil versions will be included with the base card unless specified, see below) will be listed based on your search.
    • Added cards will be listed in alphabetical order
    • Additional search and filter options are planned for a future update

There are the following additional properties:


Foil Type - MTG
Selectable as Any, Foil, or Normal.  This will specify if this is any version, only foil, or not foil.
Foil Type - Pokemon
Selectable as Any, Normal, Holofoil, Reverse Holofoil.  This will specify if this is any version, holofoil, reverse holofoil or not foil.  The specific holo/reverse holo/normal options will not be present if the card does not have that variant. 

Min Qty
The minimum accepted number of this card within your lot.  This will reserve space in your maximum lot count for the specified minimum number of this card, so the lot will not be "filled" until the minimum count of this card is reached.
Max Qty
The maximum number of this card allowed in your lot.

Min/Max are disabled unless you have a maximum lot count.  Both Min and Max will be overridden by the Duplicates setting if it is lower.
  • When your list is complete and named, click Create List


  • To use your newly created list, go back to Advanced Options on your bin, toggle Card List, select your list from the dropdown and click Update.


Importing a List

  • On the Sort page, click on Advanced Options
  • Click on Card List


Card List and Bin Conditions are mutually exclusive.  You may only use one or the other per bin.  You may use Duplicates and Lot Count with both.

  • Click on either Create your first list here or Manage all lists here


  • Click Import List, select your game and click Next.


  • Name your list.
  • Choose a file or drag the file from another window onto the Select a File box.
  • The files must be CSV files in the following format:

Magic: The Gathering


cardID - the Scryfall ID of the card (required)

minQty - the minimum number of this card in a lot before that lot is considered "complete".  Will reserve capacity in a lot

maxQty - the maximum number of this card allowed in a lot

foilType - either normal (no foils), foil (only foils), or blank (any version)

Import List Creation - Method 1

Scryfall ID can be obtained from their website, searching for a card...

Going to copy-pasteable-JSON...


And getting the id.


The Scryfall ID will also be present in your Sort History/Inventory exports using Card List


Import List Creation - Method 2

The Scryfall ID can be obtained from your PhyzBatch Inventory.  Click on All Cards and reduce them to your desired collection based on the filters.

Export a Card List, and all the Scryfall IDs can be found in the export. 

You can use these IDs to create your list for import.  Cards can be exported (to Card List) even if they have a quantity of 0.




 cardID - the ID of the card in the format "setID-card no." (required)

minQty - the minimum number of this card in a lot before that lot is considered "complete".  Will reserve capacity in a lot

maxQty - the maximum number of this card allowed in a lot

foilType - either normal (no foils), holofoil (only holofoils), reverseHolofoil (only reverse holofoils), or blank (any version)

Import List Creation - Method 1

The list can be created by hand as long as you know the card number and set code you're looking for.  The Pokemon cardId is in the format set-card#.

Set codes can be found here, or in the corner of the card for newer sets.


Any errors in CSV formatting or IDs will be listed and must be fixed before the list is created.

At this time there is no immediate indicator that your list has been imported correctly (though there would be no errors).  If the import is successful, the number of items imported will be shown, and the Create List button will become active.



Using Lists

  • On the Sort page, click on Advanced Options
  • Click on Card List


Card List and Bin Conditions are mutually exclusive.  You may only use one or the other per bin.

  • Select your created list from the Card List dropdown and click Updateselect_list
  • The bin will show it has a List selected as criteria.

Card Lists will obey Lot Size and Duplicates settings, which will override Min/Max settings in the Card List
