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User Interface Guide

A breakdown of the PhyzBatch web interface.

This guide lists and explains all pages in the PhyzBatch 9000 web interface and their options.  For help with sorting and general setup you can also reference the following guide and manual:

PhyzBatch 9000 Manual

Sorting Options

Quick Links:


PhyzBatch UI - Header

  1. Your company name.  
  2. The Help dropdown provides quick access to your tickets and the Knowledge Base
  3. The Announcement bell will notify you of any announcements from TCG Machines.  This is typically a notification of holidays and updates.  Critical messages will be displayed on a screen-wide banner.
  4. This is your profile icon.  Clicking on it allows you to view your profile (My Profile), log out, and start a manual software update.



Magic: The Gathering

The Inventory page lists cards you have scanned and then transferred into inventory.  Here, cards can be kept, modified and removed for tracking purposes.  Stores and Locations (within stores) are used as an additional layer of organization.  Magic the Gathering and Pokémon have different inventory screens, as they were developed a different times.  Magic will soon be updated to the Pokémon format, which will also be used by new TCGs.

PhyzBatch UI - Inventory - MTG

  1. (Left) The TCG selector.  Currently, you can choose either Magic: The Gathering or Pokémon.
  2. Filters for inventory.  These can be toggled to limit the selection of cards visible.  This is useful when using the Bulk Edit feature.  Sort options include:
    1. Set
    2. Foiling Type
    3. Price Range (in whole dollar amounts)
    4. Converted Mana Cost
    5. Colors (select one)
    6. Rarity
    7. Card Type
    8. Set Type (Expansion, Commander, etc.)
    9. Stores
    10. Locations
  3. Cards in your inventory.  Click on a card to individually edit it.
  4. Card location selector.  Choose all cards, or a specific store/location for filtering.
  5. Change the order of how cards are displayed by name, price or date scanned
  6. Search Bar.  Enter a name to quickly find a specific card.  Enter text and hit Enter or click on the magnifying glass to search.
  7. Limit the number of cards displayed at a time.  Limits a 5, 15, 30, 60 and 120 cards.
  8. Change views to either full cards or list view.
  9. Bulk Edit button.  Use this to toggle bulk editing mode.  This can also be accessed by clicking the checkboxes next to cards in the list view.
  10. Export dropdown.  Select Card List (default), TCGPlayer, CrystalCommerce or BinderPoS to create a CSV file tailored to that service.  This file will be saved to your browser's default Download location.
  11. Show/Hide filters.



PhyzBatch UI - Inventory - Pokemon

  1. (Left) The TCG selector.  Currently, you can choose either Magic: The Gathering or Pokémon.
  2. Reset Filters button.  Clear all filters.
  3. Filters for inventory.  These can be toggled to limit the selection of cards visible.  This is useful when using the Bulk Edit feature.  Sort options include:
    1. Set Name
    2. Card Type
    3. Energy Type
    4. Rarity
    5. Foil Type
    6. Store
    7. Location
  4. Cards in your inventory.  Click on a card to edit it individually.
  5. Search Bar.  Enter a name to quickly find a specific card.  Enter text and hit Enter or click on the magnifying glass to search.
  6. Change the order of how cards are displayed by name, price or date scanned
  7. Change views to either full cards or list view.
  8. Bulk Edit button.  Use this to toggle bulk editing mode.  This can also be accessed by clicking the checkboxes next to cards in the list view.
  9. Export dropdown.  Select Card List (default), TCGPlayer, CrystalCommerce or BinderPoS to create a CSV file tailored to that service.  This file will be saved to your browser's default Download location.




The sort page is where you control the PhyzBatch 9000.  This page is not accessible if you're logged in through the global website and not the machine locally.  See this article for more detail.  This article breaks down the individual buttons and dropdowns.  If you wish to see more detail on bin conditions, please reference this article.

Sorting Setup can only be edited at the beginning of a sorting session and will be disabled while a sort is in progress.PhyzBatch UI - Sorting - Sort_2PhyzBatch UI - Sorting - Sort_3

  1. The Maintenance Menu.  Using this menu you can clear stuck cards out of the machine, turn the interior lights on/off, and run the feed wheels/*conveyor for easier cleaning (*coming soon).
  2. Select your TCG.  This is important, as sorting the wrong TCG will lead to a 100% unidentified rate!  The TCG selected will be remembered the next time you log into the machine and start running the machine.
  3. Create New Sort Preset button (+).  In the popup model, enter the details of the new preset.  Any subsequent changes to bin criteria while a preset is selected will be automatically saved if the preset is not one of the defaults provided.  A dropdown will appear from the top when the save occurs.
  4. Preset selection dropdown.  Choose any saved bin settings from a list.
  5. Store selection dropdown.  This is intended for businesses with multiple machines and branches that want to be able to view a large, shared inventory.  It can also be used to organize cards in whatever grouping you wish.  There is no limit to the number of "Stores".  You can create new Stores in Account.
  6. Location selection dropdown.  This is intended to organize cards into locations within individual stores (i.e. locations are subcategories of stores).  You may create any sort of locations you wish, or use them as categories for your method of organization (ex. Broom Closet, Shelf A-3, Lightly Played, etc.).  You can create new Locations in Account.
  7. Price Type selection dropdown.  Currently, only TCGPlayer Market is available and this option is disabled.  More options will be added in a future update.
  8. Missing Price Defaults To: is the price attached to a card when no pricing data for that card is found.  Typically either $0 or a very high value (ex. $10,000) is recommended so that missing prices are obvious and so they may be adjusted afterwards.  If many prices are missing, please run an update on your machine and/or contact Support for investigation.
  9. Limit Search by Set is used to limit the sets the machine will use for identification.  This increases accuracy, since the total number of possible matches for cards are reduced.  This is especially important in sets with large numbers of reprints, such as Magic.
  10. Foil Assignment selector.  The settings available for this are:
    1. Detect - activates foil detection routine.   This will actively search for foils and detect them accordingly.  Since this is an additional routine, the throughput of the machine will slow by roughly 10 cards/minute.
    2. Mark as _____ - will force the machine to choose cards  base on the selection.  This increases accuracy if you know you have a stack of all or no foils.
    3. Off - the foil detection routine will not be run.  Cards may still be chosen as foil if it is detected as a foil-only variant.
  11. Run starts the sorting session using the selected settings.  If you have cards from a previous, uncompleted session they will not be loaded to your inventory, but will be saved to Sort History.
  12. Manage Sort Preset will appear when a custom Sort Preset is chosen.  Clicking this button will bring up a popup allowing you to edit the presets name, delete the preset, and show settings.
  13. Add Last Sort to Inventory will appear if you're logging into the Sort page and the machine has a previous sorting session which has not been completed.  Click this button to end the sort, and add those cards to your inventory.  You will also have the option to filter and/or delete the cards.
  14. The PhyzBatch's current actions will be displayed here, including Ready, Sorting and any error messages.
  15. Resume Last Sort will continue the previous, unfinished sort with the settings from that last session.
  16. Basic sort criteria.  This is a quick select for more commonly used sorting criteria.  A full list can be found in our Sorting Guide.  You may type in this bar to quickly search for your desired criteria.
  17. Advanced sort criteria.  This popup allows for more advanced sorting criteria and lot creation.  You may add multiple criteria at once, including duplicates settings and lists.  See the Sorting Guide and Lists for more information.
  18. Resume will continue the current in-progress sorting session.  It is only visible during an active session.
  19. End will stop a current in-progress sorting session and prompt for filtering, and saving cards to your inventory.  Cards which are not saved to inventory will still be recorded in Sort History.  This button is only visible during an active session.
  20. Empty will remove cards saved to bins from the software.  It is to indicate you have physically removed the cards from the machine to prevent overfilling of bins.  Emptying a lot will remove all cards from a bin and reset the lot count.  Removing cards from a bin only will not reset the lot count.  See the Sorting Guide for more information on lot creation.  You may empty bins and lots while the machine is actively sorting.


Sort History

This page is a list of all sorting sessions the machine has performed, whether the cards were saved to your inventory or not.  Cards in these lists cannot be modified after the sorting session has been completed and saved (in History, they can be modified if saved to Inventory, they are separate systems).

PhyzBatch UI - Sort History

  1. The general information of the session including the start time, TCG sorted, the name of the bin criteria preset used and the total number of cards sorted.
  2. Sort Details will list the bin criteria used for that session.  You may also choose to run the same settings again in a Sort session from this page.
  3. Select a date range of sorting sessions to view here.  By default, this will be the last 60 days.  You may change the default in My Profile.
  4. View Cards lists all the cards in that particular session.  This is separate from your inventory.  You may also Export this list of cards to CSV files.


My Profile

This page contains the settings for your user account.  Each user in a company with different logins may create and save their own settings.


PhyzBatch UI - My Profile - Profile

  1. Change the name of your account.  This is your personal account name, not the company name.  It is only used for personal reference and organization and can be whatever you like.
  2. Change the email associated with this profile.  This is what you use to log into your account.  It does not need to be a real email, but if it isn't you will not have a way to reset your password should it be forgotten.
  3. Make sure to hit Save Profile, or any changes made to the above lines will not be completed.



PhyzBatch UI - My Profile - Settings

  1. Price Type selects the default price source upon going to the Sort page and starting a new session.  The price type may be changed on the sort page itself if the selector below is turned on.  Currently, only TCGPlayer Market is available.  More pricing options will be added in a future update.
  2. Price Type Visibility toggles the "Price Type" selector on the sort page on and off.
  3. Sort History Period is the default number of days to show when going to the Sort History page.  The standard setting is 60.
  4. Sort Stoppage Notification will send an email to the address associated with your profile whenever a sort pauses either due to an error or running out of cards.
  5. Sound on Stoppage will play an audio cue over the device running the sort session in the event the machine pauses due to an error or running out of cards.
  6. Make sure to Save any changes to your settings or they will not take effect!



An account is the entire account for you company.  Profiles (above) belong to accounts.


PhyzBatch UI - Account - Account

  1. Change your company name.  This will affect all profiles and machines saved under your account.  Hit Save for the changes to take effect.



Stores are intended for clients that have multiple machines and stores that want a single mass inventory for all locations.  These can however, be used however you want for your organizational purposes.  Stores and locations are selectable through the Sort Setup menu on the Sort page.

PhyzBatch UI - Account - Stores

  1. Each individual "Store" is listed in order.  Stores contain Locations, which are another layer of organization.  (ex.  Shelf D, Box 51).
  2. Add new stores here.
  3. Edit or delete the stores and locations through this dropdown.



The machines page lists all PhyzBatch 9000 units registered to the account.

PhyzBatch UI - Account - Machines

  1. The only option on this page is to turn on the "Green Diffuser" setting (panels installed on the inside of the scanner, originally they were black).  All new machines and most existing machines should have these installed and will have the toggle active by default.  Once all machines have them installed, this toggle will be removed.  

Toggling the wrong setting will significantly decrease accuracy.



The Subscriptions section lists all leases for all PhyzBatches linked to an account.  Aside from the Order New Machine button and Payment Settings button, most of this page is manually adjusted by TCG Machines staff and can be ignored.  This will be changed in a future patch.

Your subscription on this page has no effect on the functionality of your PhyzBatch.  At present, leases and payments are not linked to machines.

PhyzBatch UI - Account - Subscriptions

  1. Sign Lease Agreement presents you with a digital copy of the lease agreement.  As of December 2023 this feature is out of date and can be ignored.  Please refer to the leasing documents sent via email by Info.
  2. Payment Settings will connect you to your registered account with Stripe.  There, you can change the billing information associated with your account.
  3. Order Process lists the various payments (Damage Deposit, Shipping, Monthly Subscriptions) active on your account.  These are currently manually adjusted by TCG Machines staff and have no effect on your account aside from the visual on this page.  This section will be automated in a future patch.
  4. The Total Active Runtime is the cumulative amount of time for all registered PhyzBatches in your account.  Runtime is when a machine is actively sorting cards.
  5. The Order New Machine button will allow you to order additional PhyzBatches.  This is the same order form as is preset on the homepage, but will associate ordered machines with your current account, rather than attempt to create a new one.



Teams lists all of the profiles listed under your main account.  This is useful for tracking productivity on a per-profile basis, separating logins on a per-location basis, or providing different accounts for stoppage notifications.  There is no limit to the number of profiles that can be assigned to an Account.

One profile can only be logged into one PhyzBatch at a time.  If you have multiple machines you must have at least one profile per machine.  You will also need a different browser profile, incognito window or browser per machine if controlling multiple PhyzBatches from a single device.

PhyzBatch UI - Team

  1. Profile details are entered here.  The Email does not need to be real, but you will be unable to use the Password Retrieval service without a real email address.
  2. There are two roles, Admin and Clerk.  Admins may edit all settings in an account, including adding and removing member profiles.  Clerks may only sort, and edit cards and bin presets.
  3. Click edit to modify a profile.
  4. Click Delete to remove a profile.  They can be recreated, but a deleted profile cannot be recovered through the UI.



Lists is where you create, edit and delete custom lists of specific cards for use as bin criteria.  This has its own article.
