Error - Camera Obstructed

An explanation and troubleshooting steps for Error 107 - Camera obstructed.

General Resolution
Continue the sort and the machine will attempt to clear itself.  If the error continues, use Clear Machine from the maintenance menu.  Finally, open the scanner to remove any unejected cards manually.

When a sort starts, the scanning bay should be empty.  The machine will check if there is anything inside the scanning bay before pulling the first card.  To do this, it will turn on the overhead LED lighting, and check if it can see a white light in the expected area, which is a rectangle around the top camera.  If it does not see white in the expected area, it will throw this error.  Typically, this means there is a card in the scanner bay.

By default, the machine will attempt to clear itself when a sort is continued.  Simply resume your sorting session. 

If the error persists, click Clear Machine from the maintenance menu.


If Clear Machine does not resolve the issue, you should open the scanning bay and check inside.  If there is still a card in the bay, try running Clear Machine again to see why the card isn't leaving the bay.  If cards aren't properly exiting the scanner this is likely due to either:

  • multiple cards feeding into the bay (requires an adjustment to the feed system - adjust the foot downwards slightly)
  • cards not exiting the scanner properly (manifests as an Exit Sensor error) due to the foam rollers not grabbing the card

You may also remove the offending cards by hand.  It is important to determine why this error is happening to prevent it from regularly occurring.

Finally, if the Camera Obstructed error continues even when there are no cards in the bay, you may need to update your Dock Photo.  The PhyzBatch saves an image of the interior of the machine to reference what an empty interior should look like.  If the interior has changed (different panels, a card was saved in the photo, etc.) it can think there's an obstruction when there isn't.  In the maintenance menu select Regenerate Empty Dock.  This will save  a new photo of the interior.  References on what a dock interior should look like are provided in the popup.


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